
The story of astrology in my life

My introduction with astrology began when I was a teenager and came across oversized deep blue book with the ornately decorated cover in a book store that I could just not take my eyes off of. That book was titled, The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need to Know by Joanna Woolfolk. It was a beautifully illustrated book, chock full of fascinating astrological details. I brought that book home and pored through every page. Though later I would develop a moral conflict in my head about astrology because I was raised with a conservative fundamentalist background. So much so that I tore up the book and threw it away (only to repurchase it again years later). I couldn’t rectify the horrible guilt I had in my head about relying on something “magical” instead of the Word of God to guide my understandings. It wasn’t until I realized that even in the Bible there is mention of “wise men” using stars to notify them of a significant happening on earth (the birth of Jesus) that I thought, well maybe there is something to this. And also I have learned to trust my intuition-when used accurately, astrology can be a marvelous tool to build compassion and understanding of each other.