Category: Astrology

  • Astrology, the Universe, and My Winter of Retrograde Doom

    Have you ever wondered how astrologers magically predict that you’ll have a lucky week in love or suddenly feel like an over-caffeinated squirrel? What exactly goes into a horoscope? While astrologers consult a variety of celestial happenings to make their predictions, one major factor is planetary movement through the constellations—aka transits. Understanding planetary transits and…

  • “Oops, Your Zodiac Sign Might Be Wrong – Here’s the sideReal Deal”

    Growing up, I could never relate to my “zodiac” sign: Leo the Lion.  Leos are supposed to be  the bold, confident, attention-seeking stars of the show.  Meanwhile, I was over here avoiding eye contact and trying not to be called on in class.  And the only thing roaring in my life was the sound of…